Wednesday, May 9, 2012

DNA: Can You Guess My Pup's Heritage?

Recently, there was a contest on Facebook to win a FREE DNA kit from DNA My Dog. We didn't win, however, they were overwhelmed by the response to their first contest that they sent out a discount code for everyone who entered. At about 50% off, I couldn't resist.

Today, the results were posted. I will get a certificate in the mail in a few days, which I will take a photo and post it on here. In the main time, take a guess on what breeds are in my pup!

Hint: there are 4 different breeds!


Jenners said...

Hmmm…. well I would say German Shepard. Perhaps Black Lab? After that I'm stumped. How cool … I don't want to pay to do this becuase if Romeo isn't a purebred Havanese like we "paid" for him to be, I'm going to mad and there is no way I can return him now!

Ali said...

That sounds really neat! I was going to say, I have always thought German Shepherd and Black Lab, then who knows! Does she have a purple tongue? Kind of looks like it in this pic...Chow maybe? Can't wait to find out! =)

ter@waaoms said...

yes she does have a black/purple tongue!

She's also shorter than a German shepherd (which is why I was curious about her heritage) and weighs about 50 lbs. :) She lost her tail before we met her, so that gives us no additional clues.