Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Ikea finally opened in Winnipeg about 4 years after they announced it was coming. It opened just a few days before my birthday, so for my birthday celebration,  my friend and I went to check it out. I had never been to any Ikea before, but I had been drooling over products for a long time.  I meant to take many photos but I spent most of time just looking around, nearly hysterically giddy so I really only took these two photos...
Look, it's Ikea! 
No nasty weather was gonna stop me from going! 

This will be my kitchen someday..... I hope!

I did buy these shelves though!

I've been anxiously waiting for IKEA to open so I could get these shelves.
I love them! 

I started to put things on it.... 
I've added more since this photo 
but there's still a long way to go til I get it just right. 
I'll update you on this soon!! 


Unknown said...

I love Ikea
;) I hope you had a merry Christmas Ter.

Jenners said...

I LOVE Ikea!! I swear that 75% of our house is Ikea stuff. It is just too cool to resist. And so much more affordable than "real" furniture.