May's Follower of the Month is Sarah C. of 2paws designs. Sarah is a sweet blogger who has been very supportive since we met. She has the cutest little boy who has the biggest smile. I can't remember how we "met", but her creative skills have inspired me in my own crafting attempts.
Please take a moment and meet Sarah:
1.What's your name?
Sarah C.
2.Tell us a little bit about you.
I’m a 31 year old wife and mom. My husband and I have been married for 6.5 years and we have 2 cats and 1 little boy, Dylan. I worked in commercial architecture up until Dylan's birth last July. Now partly due to the economy and partly by choice, I’m a stay at home mom.
3.When did you start blogging and why?
I originally began blogging in the late 90s before the term “blogging” was even coined! I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 1996 and was searching for answers. The internet was smaller then (hard to imagine now) and much of the information about endometriosis in books and online was outdated. I decided to start writing and share my thoughts and experiences both as therapy for me and to help others. After college and with the disease under control, I lost interest in my website and closed it down. I’m betting if it had had the option for comments, I probably would have continued it. That’s what I love about blogging today – the interaction.
I started my current blog in October 2007, at the suggestion of my mother, to share my passion for scrapbooking and crafting in general. And I’m a chatty person by nature so it also works great as an outlet for that. ;)
4.Tell us a bit about your blog(s).
My blog originated as a scrapbook/craft blog. Over the past 2.5 years, I’ve expanded into details about my everyday life with my family.
5.Has blogging changed you or your outlook on life at all?
Blogging has introduced me to so many wonderful people and helped me get a glimpse into their worlds. In that way, it has expanded my thinking and increased my knowledge and understanding. It’s also a fun, cheap way to explore other cities, countries and cultures. I love that we all have similarities, but we all have unique differences too.
6.Link us to 1 - 3 of your favorite posts from your own blog(s)
My favorite blog post for obvious reasons: Dylan Walter
7.Link us to 1 - 3 of your favorite fellow bloggers
Laura at Cameron Crazy Mom – she & I stumbled across each others blogs while pregnant, realized we were both expecting our first child (both boys) and due 2 days apart. They actually arrived about 6 weeks apart with her son coming a month early and Dylan 10 days late. It’s been fun to share the adventures of pregnancy and motherhood with her through our blogs. I just wish we were closer so the boys could have a playdate.
The Mrs at Trying Our Best – warning: do not drink or eat anything while reading this blog. She will have you laughing so hard you’re sure to spit on your screen. Not kidding. Love reading about her latest adventures as the wife of a Marine and mother to 3 little boys.
Emily at Just Me – her Monday Gratitudes are always uplifting and remind me to be thankful for the good in my life. Not to mention the fact that she is very crafty and an awesome knitter. Totally in awe of the mittens, hats and sweaters she has made.
8.How did you come to be a follower of mine and why do you follow me?
Wow. Good question. I’m trying to remember how I came across your blog. It’s been a while and I’m honestly not sure. I remember reading some of your posts about Baby Bear and I couldn’t turn away and not respond. Over time our correspondence between blogs, emails and twitter has increased and I consider you a friend so, of course, I have to follow! :)
9.What, if anything, have you gained from reading from my blog?
To enjoy every moment because you never know when it might be your last. Your strength has inspired me especially after Dylan’s arrival. I cried for the loss of Baby Bear the first time I found your blog, but it really hit home when I became a mom. On the harder days, when I’m exhausted and Dylan is keeping me awake overnight crying, I hold him tight and remember to be thankful that I can do just that. I thank you for helping me see that bright side during those tougher moments. You’ve definitely helped me to be a better mom.
10. Tell me the truth, you're going to brag to all your bloggy friends that you were my follower of the month, aren't you? ;)
Of course! :D
Thanks for being my Follower of the Month, Sarah! I had fun reading your answers and I hope you had fun too!
Please take a moment and visit Sarah's blog and say hi to her! If you are here from Sarah's blog, please leave a comment so I can come visit you too.
If you are interested in being a Follower of the Month, just let me know!

Nice to "meet" you, Sarah!
Nice to meet you, Sarah!
Hi Sarah! Excellent choice for follower of the month.
What a great idea for a post! Now I'm off to read more of your blog...
What a neat idea! Sarah - thanks for mentioning my blog :)
I wish I'd discovered blogging back before everyone did it!!
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