I'm looking forward to this and I hope that it works. Your moral support and encouragement is much needed! I'll post updates every so often. Here's where I'm at since my last update...
I've gained 4 more pounds since I last posted in March last year.
The fact I was beginning to gain weight again depressed me so I stopped posting about it. I actually gained a bit more than the 4 pounds mentioned but I've since gone back down a bit. Hopefully, with this new gym program and continuing to work with the trainer as well as my naturopath doctor, I will continue to lose weight and reduce pain. Wish me luck.
See more posts about my weight loss journey HERE.

You can't stop … these weight loss journeys are long and always up and down. You gotta keep DOING. And getting a personal trainer sounds like a great step. Personalized for you and someone to be accountable to!
You can DO it! I love your word of the year. I think getting a trainer is great. I had success last year to finally lose some weight after I took a genetics test. If you'd like more info about that I'm glad to tell you more about how I lost 30 pounds. Little by little. ALSO, be sure to take measurements because there was a 3 week time frame where I didn't lose a single pound but I did lose 4 inches off my waist.
Good for you! I am proud of your motivation and all of the amazingly brave things you have been doing the past few months!!!!
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