Have you noticed I haven't been here
much this year??? It's because I've been living up to my 2013 Word of The Year.
As you may recall, I chose the word DO
for my 2013 Word Of The Year. And wow, did that word ever play a role
in my life every day. Not only did it encourage me to DO things, it
also became a bit of a mantra and also a virtual butt-kicker from all
my friends. “Ter, just DO it”, they would encourage me.
So, what did I DO this year?? Here are
a few things (in no specific order) :
- I removed certain toxic people from my life.
- I started a new job.
- I finally got a tattoo in memory of my daughter and her daddy.
- I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer. I fought against Fibromalygia and started healing my body. (and went down several jean sizes!) Still have a long way to go, but I'm well on my way.
- Drove on a highway in the dark in winter (3 things I hate to do). Technically, I did this the last week of December last year but it still counts. :) )
- I found it easier to decide about getting rid of a few possessions that I had been on the fence about... Just DO it helped.
- I 'celebrated' my birthday even though it was my most difficult one to date. This year I became older than my husband. He passed away two days before his 38th birthday. This year, I turned 38. I went out for a few drinks and dinner with some friends and had a wonderful time.
There's a lot more I'm sure, but that
is an example of how my Word of the Year 2013 worked for me.
Did you do a Word of the Year?? How did
it work out for you??

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